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Happy Mother’s Day!

We hope you will come and join us for worship tomorrow, Sunday, May 9th, at either 9:00 am at Havelock or at 10:30 am at Pocahontas.

Not that we should need a holiday to say thanks, but remember to connect with all the key women in your life who have been “like a mom” to you — even if that is only your mom! It is too easy to get busy and forget to say THANKS for the gift that they have been to us. If you are lucky enough to still have your mom, then give her a call and/or a hug! After COVID-19, the very best gift you can share is your presence!! 🙂

If your mom is no longer here to hug, then lift up a prayer thanking her for all the love and care she gave while she was with you. There is no doubt that she will hear it from above!

Have a blessed day!

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