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Remember to bring your Rice Meal Donation bags back this Sunday (6/30/24)

Please be sure to bring your Rice Meal donation bag back to church this Sunday, and be sure you remember to drop any (and all!) spare change/cash in to to help us with our Meal packaging project on Saturday, July 27th at Hope Church. Please make sure your bag is sealed (or in a ziplock bag) so it does not get mixed up with our regular morning offering!

We need to collect enough donations from each family to help make this project possible. So…. any change in those pants at laundry time? Drop it in this bag! Any change back at the grocery store? Drop it in this bag! Any change in your couch cushions?? Guess what? Drop it in this bag! 🙂 And, you can also drop in paper bills as well! We thank you for helping us feed those in need. Every helping hand is appreciated, and what a great way to involve your entire family in a mission project!

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